With the advent of more accessible streaming services, more and more people have discovered the convenience of watching anything they want. People can now download movies and TV shows to their mobile device of choice, and watch wherever and whenever they want to. But even if streaming services are now increasingly gaining popularity, the movies are still arguably best experienced in a movie theater.
How long has it been since you’ve watched a movie at the cinema? Rediscover the charm of the movie theater and the silver screen! We’ve drawn up a list of reasons on why you should check out the nearest cinema’s schedule!
Reasons to Check Out Movie Schedules at the Nearest Theaters
- First Dibs at the Latest Movies: Nothing beats the excitement of lining up for movie tickets during opening week! Though there is a wealth of older movies and a number of same-day movie releases in certain streaming sites, most movies are still first released at movie theaters. In this golden era of social media, a lot of people also seem to take pleasure in posting spoilers about important movie plotlines. Be part of the conversation and see those movie crowd favorites as soon as you can! Don’t forget to watch the spaces you discuss at, by the way! Be mindful of other people who have yet to watch the movies. You wouldn’t want to be the spoiler that everyone is annoyed at, don’t you?
- The Big Screen: It is a fact that movies made for theatrical releases would always be, first and foremost, made for the big screen. A great film will always be amazing, no matter where and how you see it. But most filmmakers make movies with the intent of showing them in darkened movie theaters. Some scenes really are just best seen on a ten to thirty-foot screen.
- A Sound Argument: Sometimes, not even the best headphones can give justice to the musical scores and sound engineering of films like movie theaters. In the Philippines, Greenhills Cinema is the first movie theater in the country to offer the Dolby Atmos sound system back in 2013. Rather than being constrained to channels, sounds can beprecisely placed and moved in a three-dimensional space. Better to hear those sound effects with!
- Audience Impact: Have you experienced the thunderous applause inside the movie theater when the credit roll starts on the end of a beloved movie series? The synchronized gasps at an impressive on-screen plot twist? The screams of horror at a scary movie? The quiet sniffling at tragic endings? The thrumming energy of one body of people as they watch a car chase with bated breath? Sure, not everyone is fond of loud moviegoers. But the shared experience of a movie audience—of a whole movie theater—feeling the same emotions at the same time, is something that cannot be felt or replicated through home movie viewing.
- Snack Attack: Nothing like the crunch of popcorn and a large soda for that classic movie experience, right? Concession stands at cinemas have started offering wider snack options to the movie viewers like nachos and fries, making the movie-watching experience better for everyone!
- Demand Means Supply: In recent years, more Filipinos have been demanding that theaters screen local movies as long as international releases. The success of Heneral Luna is a testament to how the viewing public can dictate what they want to see in theaters. Want the filmmakers to know what kind of movies their audiences would like to see? Head over to the nearest cinema and support the kind of films that you want! The sales of movie tickets directly translate to the interest that the audiences have. Showing support for favorite directors, actors, or movie genres by watching their movies paves the way for other great movies to be made.
Make watching movies at the cinema a regular habit! Spaces like Greenhills Cinema offer the latest blockbusters and the best viewer-immersive experience, so you’ll be assured that you’ll get your movie ticket’s worth!
Greenhills Shopping Center is part of Ortigas & Company is one of the pioneers in the Philippine real estate landscape. To learn more about the Greenhills Cinema schedules, feel free to read more at the Ortigas Malls website.